Casual Wall Jumper - Coming Soon
The second game in development from Bronze Beard Games is almost ready to launch. The graphics have been tweaked slightly to match the other 3 games, a few sound effects added, I didnt think music was needed for this one. Just trying to figure our why constructs adverts arent working, hopefully the latest beta release will be working.... and then this one is actually complete!
Oh, you an probably tell that this game is an infinite wall jumper, double jump vertically for...ev...errrrr... until you hit an obstacle, I reckon panic will set in it around the 20 point mark! But keep practising, once you reach 20 points your score wil be added to the global leaderboard... so invire your friends and family to have a go and see if they can beat you!
Dev link is
HERE, this will soon update to the full version. Please comment in the store with your thoughts, positive or negative. But don't moan too much, its only a simple little game!
Oh and I will be adding random boosts sometime after the full launch! Enjoy.